Words from a dream…

When you lose someone to suicide, life changes forever…. Yet somehow, Soni’s death continues to bring me alive… She somehow invites me to truly LIVE each day as the precious gift it is…. Truly LIVING is a gift i never expected to unravel out of grief… It’s been a long time since you visited my…

Courage and Inspiration .

The most ground breaking parenting guidance (beyond broadcasting a silent safety net of belief in everything about my girls along with clear boundaries and a loving home) is truthfully leaving my children alone. Not poking or prodding or interfering with them (in other words… simply trusting them and supporting them to keep trusting themselves). It’s…

Dreams do come true…

Ever dreamt of running off into the sunset? Off connecting so deeply with your heart and the heart of the world that peace and love grow so big they swallow everything… And for many moments… even the messy richness melts into infinite silence once again? Me too! Some days, quite unexpectedly, dreams do come true. And…